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Safe Church 

The Church has a spiritual, moral and legal obligation to provide a safe environment for children and adults participating in Church programs.

As a body of believers, the Bethany Christian Reformed Church of Fenwick, Ontario proclaims that "love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres" (I Corinthians 13: 6, 7). Therefore, every man, woman and child, regardless of age, cultural background or sex, when in contact with the people and ministry of Bethany CRC of Fenwick, will find an environment free from physical, sexual, and emotional abuse.

An Abuse Prevention Policy is intended to outline the obligations of the Church to children and to all church members under its care by prescribing certain policies or procedures designed to minimize the risk of abuse. The information provided in this document is expected to be a guideline for the protection of participants, church leaders and volunteers of all Church sponsored programs. It is anticipated that the policies in this statement will further the reality of the Church as a "sanctuary" and as a place of ministry. Abuse must be condemned and every reasonable step taken to eliminate the risk.
In light of the above, Bethany CRC publicly affirms the following:


Bethany CRC seeks to live the new life in Christ. It is our hope that our church community will be a place of God's presence in the world. Therefore, we strive to create an environment in our church that nurtures each person's dignity and safety so that everyone can grow and mature as the Creator intended. We acknowledge, however, that we live in a broken world, and that one of the signs of that brokenness is the violation of boundaries for healthy relationships. When sin of this nature occurs, appropriate action is required. We must strive to achieve justice, protect victims, promote the healing of those who have been abused, and work towards the repentance and healing of the abuser.


For more information or need to talk contact


Click here for a copy of our Safe Church Policy.

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Address:  P.O. Box 61

1040 Balfour Street
Fenwick, ON L0S 1C0

Phone: (905) 892-8980


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